The reasons why I joined NYPD

By September 18, 2019 No Comments


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I was often asked why I would join NYPD if I were not from New York. I often told people I joined the police department because:

  • As a young woman of color, I wanted to make a positive difference in the Harlem community
  • Influence people to make better choices
  • Save lives
  • Use my criminal justice education to be a compassionate officer
  • Opportunity to deescalate situations and avoid making arrests
  • Remain active and fit.

But after a routine traffic stop of a livery cab, I had to chase an armed culprit with my fellow officers for up to 11 flights of stairs in 90-degree weather. It was too much even for someone who enjoyed an active lifestyle.  Remaining active and fit. Maybe I should have reconsidered that that reason!



Alyson is an international civil servant who spent over 17 years working in five different countries. She is excited to share her professional and personal adventures as an expatriate and would like to connect with like-minded people who enjoy traveling and living the expat life.

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