Shots fired! A Rookie’s First Day on Foot Patrol in the South Bronx

By June 8, 2020 One Comment


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The first day on foot patrol and, someone decides to shoot at us.

My partner was also a rookie and on our first foot patrol. A young lady and her friend approached us and explained that she wanted to file a police report.  As my partner was writing a domestic violence incident report, the woman’s boyfriend decided to shoot at us from a rooftop of one of a project building (housing complex). The scene was chaotic; my partner, and the victim running towards a white van across the street to take cover. I, in a state of panic running towards the building to take cover from the bullets, headed our way.  As I reached the building, I remembered being taught in the police academy, “never separate from your partner.” I attempted to run towards the white van to join my partner when I heard continued gunshots in the near distance.  I ran back toward the building. Thank goodness for my partner, who was quick to radio in an 85 “shots fired” call.  As other officers, including the Bronx Borough Chief, who was in our precinct at the time, responded with their guns drawn and ready to fire back at the perp. My partner joined the other officers but she and I still had our guns in our holsters. We looked at each other and then took out our 9mms.  What else could rookies do?

(Each time I recall the story, I have a good laugh. Thank goodness this occurred before smartphones so that we would not have been uploaded to social media and folks could have seen how discombobulated we were as rookies.)






Alyson is an international civil servant who spent over 17 years working in five different countries. She is excited to share her professional and personal adventures as an expatriate and would like to connect with like-minded people who enjoy traveling and living the expat life.

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