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Expats, living away from their respective countries, especially in the middle east and Europe, are perturbed over the pandemic that has horrified the world. Some are also seriously considering going back to their countries of origin while others are waiting it out in their foreign second homes. Many Chinese expats are surprisingly choosing to go back to China, the home of the Coronavirus, as they believe it to be the safest location.

Different views of Expats

Chinese expats believe that the Chinese government has been successful in diminishing the virus. In China, the virus is now under control (side-eye), and there have not been any new cases reported. The Chinese are focused on getting back business to normalcy, the government’s top priority.

Meanwhile, the rest of the affected countries are desperately still trying to control the situation. The Chinese government expresses this is a stark contradiction in terms of America, Europe, and the Middle East, where the virus is still on the rise. The World Health Organization has declared all regions are the new epicenter of the pandemic according to the organization’s latest report. The worst-hit has been Italy, with more than 24,000 cases and 800 deaths.

Under such pressing circumstances, expats all over the world are increasingly confused as to stay put or return to their home countries.   According to the Global Health Systems of Harvard University, countries around the world are not preparing wisely to deal with the Coronavirus, and especially Europe, not adequately equipped to respond to this pandemic effectively.

The Options

After China openly disclosed the seriousness of the virus, several nations severely criticized China for dealing with the situation too heavy-handily. Still, now America and European countries are on their way of the following suit, creating quarantines, and banning social, transportation, and organizational lockdowns.  In this situation, expats who have come to work are questioning their futures and well beings.

France and Spain have many expats who run small shops and have low-wage service industry workers on a daily wage. Faced with a critical question, they are struggling with the decision to stay back or go back. Germany and the United Kingdom locked down borders and taking disruptive measures.

America was late, unprepared, and the messaging was conflicting.  As more citizens contracting the virus in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, and Atlanta on the rise, the recommendation is social distancing and stay home. For expats in the service industry who cannot work from home and unable to travel home, it is causing uncertainty and desperation.

In the Middle East, the response is hugely fragmented, sometimes even conflicting with no central coordination. The Middle East has also been considering to drive away expats forcefully, but due to their large populations of expats, it is a decision that requires careful consideration.

Just staying in the host immigration countries, is as much of a risk as it is to going back to the expat’s home countries. Since the period when this situation will be under control is still unpredictable, this is adding to the expat’s dilemma even more. The best option so far is to quarantine themselves at home to wait it out, say some of the expats. As long as food supplies last, this is the better option.



Alyson is an international civil servant who spent over 17 years working in five different countries. She is excited to share her professional and personal adventures as an expatriate and would like to connect with like-minded people who enjoy traveling and living the expat life.

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